Extra Curricular Activities - Clubs

At Buntingford First School we will place great emphasis on extending the curriculum beyond the classroom. Pupils will have ample opportunity at lunchtime or after school to extend their learning and learn new skills.  There will be a wide range of age appropriate clubs,  which may include a whole host of interests ranging from sport to cookery to art. Other clubs could include subjects such as crafts, computer coding and film making and gardening.


We are excited to announce the launch of our new clubs for the Spring term. As we are a small school the range of clubs will continue to grow as we do and, as the seasons change, different clubs will be on offer!

A reminder to book onto our free club provision for next half term.

If you would like to book on to one of the below clubs, please book using our Edulink system. Log in to Edulink, click on the 'clubs' icon and choose the club that you wish to book. 

Club Lead Day Year Group
Timestable Whizz - invite only Mrs Templeton Monday lunch time Years 1 - 4
Story Seekers Book Club Mrs Davies Tuesday lunch time Years 2 - 4
Forest Fun Mrs King Friday 3.15pm - 4.15pm Years 1 - 4
Art Club Miss Hunter Thursday 3.15pm - 4pm Reception - Year 4
Choir  Mrs Davies Thursday lunch time Years 2-4
Speed Stacking  Mrs Murray Wednesday lunch time Reception and Year 1


External Clubs

In addition to the above, we are now able to offer the following which are booked directly with the company/organiser and are paid for clubs:

  • Premier Sports' Club - Monday 3.15-4.15pm www.premier-education.com/parents
  • Labtots Science - Tuesday after school 3.15pm-4.15pm Book via: www.labtots.com Booking tutorial here: https://youtu.be/OamRTv94as0
  • Piano Hertfordshire Music Service - contact the school office for further details (Tuesday)
  • Strings Hertfordshire Music Service - contact the school office for further details (Tuesday)
  • Netball (Tuesday Year 1&2 3.45-4.30; Year 3&4 4.45-5.45pm) with Estelle and Lisa 07428 153074 buntingfordnetballacademy@gmail.com  
  • Gymnastics - Premier Club - Wednesday 3.15-4.15pm (to start in the Spring term)
  • Tiger Cheer Club - Friday lunch time for Reception to Year 4 children. £3 per session (paid termly) For further information or to sign up, please email sophie@tigercheer.co.uk
  • The Happy French Club - Friday 3.15-3.45pm with Marie Kerstenne £30 for 5 sessions 07989443159

We do ask that clubs are not to be used as childcare as from time-to-time they may need to be cancelled due to other commitments and they often will not run in the last week of a term. Please make sure that someone is available to collect your child. We will of course do our best to keep all clubs running where possible.

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