Local Governing Body

How we work

We aim for as few formal meetings as possible, preferring to support the school through active involvement rather than through sitting in committee rooms.

Under the Governance Model agreed by Scholars' Education Trust, the local governing body meets six times a year - generally for no more than two hours.  Certain key tasks provide the focus for our discussions and as a minimum each meeting focuses on a core topic as follows:-

  • Analysis of results in external examinations
  • Setting targets for the year
  • Approving the School Development Plan
  • Submitting the Annual Budget for recommendation to the Trust

A wide variety of other subjects are considered at each meeting, including the Senior Leadership Team report and updates on school governance.

The School Development Plan sets Buntingford First School’s priorities for the academic year. Governors receive reports on progress linked to the plan and monitor its impact.

Most Governors, as well as sitting on the main Governing Body, are linked to a particular priority within the School Development plan to ensure that each objective has the necessary strategic oversight. We also try to attend public events such as school play performances, music concerts and sports events.

In addition, Governors take a special interest in specific areas of school activity such as Child Protection, Special Educational Needs, GDPR, Pupil Premium and Health and Safety. In each case, one member of the governing body leads on the issue and works with the senior leadership team to monitor developments and compliance with statutory requirements.

Queries about the school and the progress of any individual child should be directed in the first instance to the school itself but the Chair of Governors/Clerk to the Governors will be happy to answer any more general questions, particularly in relation to the role of the Governing Body. Letters for the attention of the Chair of the Governing Body should be sent via the school.

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