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Forest School

The children at Buntingford First School participate in Forest school sessions run by our qualified Forest School teacher. During Forest School sessions the children have access to our wide range of facilities including; an outdoor classroom, a large field, a wildlife area with a pond, as well as our dedicated forest school area to the rear of the school.

We feel passionately about outdoor learning at Buntingford First School and the benefits to the children to build their confidence, trust and collaboration with one another. The connection with nature provides a very meaningful link between children and the natural world. It also supports children in developing emotionally and socially. Forest School also includes character education which promotes values such as resilience and perseverance, as well as also boosting well-being.

Forest school incorporates environmental awareness and appreciation, fostering a sense of responsibility and care for the natural world. Which, as a school that really values sustainability, is really important to us.  This could include activities such as tree identification, pond dipping, animal and bug identification as well as building bug hotels to attract a wide variety of local wildlife.

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Forest Fun Club

Buntingford First School are delighted to also run a successful Forest Fun Club after school, to compliment our Forest School sessions.

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Green Tree Award

Buntingford First School has been awarded the bronze level Green Tree School's Award. The award, from The Woodland Trust, encourages outdoor learning and inspires pupils about trees, woods and wildlife. Schools are rewarded for doing environmental projects such as tree planting, reducing CO2 emissions and visiting local woods. Over 14,000 schools are taking action to help the environment. To achieve the Bronze Award, we needed to elect our own tree mascot, Chico the red panda, show that we are a net-zero carbon school and learn about the importance of planting new trees. In the coming terms, we will be planting our own trees, hosting a tree decorating party and visiting local woodlands to earn our silver badge.


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